Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reviewed the arrangements for the last three days of Mahakumbh. During this, he said that more than 6 crore pilgrims had taken holy bath during Paush Purnima and Makar Sankranti.
During the meeting, CM Yogi directed the officials to ensure uninterrupted arrangements for the estimated 8-10 crore devotees participating in the Mauni Amavasya bath at the Sangam in Mahakumbh on January 29.
According to a statement, CM Yogi stressed that with the expectation of a large crowd of devotees on Mauni Amavasya, the preparations will have to be taken to the next level. He directed the officials to coordinate with Railways for timely and uninterrupted operation of regular and special Mahakumbh trains.
CM Yogi Adityanath said that keeping in mind the increasing number of pilgrims, the number of trains should be increased. He said that mobile network should also be increased in the fair area for smooth communication.
Emphasizing the need for continuous transport services, CM Yogi directed that buses should be arranged from all the districts, while e-buses and shuttle services should operate continuously in Prayagraj. He also stressed the importance of maintaining cleanliness and functional sanitation facilities.
CM Yogi said that ensure regular cleaning of toilets, barricade all the ghats for safety and provide 24×7 electricity and drinking water supply in every area.
Key officials including the Chief Secretary, Additional Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister, Director General of Police, Principal Secretary of Home and Urban Development Department, Chairman of Power Corporation and Director of Information attended the meeting.