In Mahakumbh, a crowd of devotees is constantly gathering for the second Amrit bathing festival Mauni Amavasya. Millions of people are reaching Prayagraj from every corner of the country. Meanwhile, there has been news that there has been a stampede due to sudden crowd on Sangam Nose. At present, seven people have been reported injured. The injured have been admitted to a hospital in Sector 2 of Kumbh area. All the updates related to this development you can see here:
Ambulances are constantly reaching the central hospital in Kumbh Mela area with the injured. A woman, whose family was injured in a stampede, said that suddenly someone said that ‘people have died after which she fell.’ The woman said, ‘We did not see anyone dying but some people said that people here have died, which she fell down after hearing.’ Another woman told that there was no administration from where people were coming and going. Everyone was buried in the public and the crowd gathered from behind.