Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav took a dip in the Ganga river in Haridwar on the occasion of Makar Sankranti on Tuesday. Taking blessings of Mother Ganga on the occasion of Makar Sankranti festival, he said in a post on social media platform X. Along with this, he also posted pictures of taking a dip in the river.
Although the former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister did not reveal the location, party sources said he took the dip in Haridwar. When asked whether he would go to the Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, Akhilesh Yadav said on Sunday that he has always been going to religious gatherings.
Speaking to the media, he said, ‘Some people go to bathe in the Ganges to attain virtue, some people go to donate and some people go to wash away their sins. We will go for both virtue and charity. In 2019, Akhilesh took bath in Prayagraj during Ardh Kumbh.
Claims of grand arrangements in Mahakumbh are far from reality: Akhilesh
Akhilesh Yadav said on Tuesday that the government’s claims of grand arrangements in Mahakumbh are ‘far away from reality’. Yadav said, ‘Pilgrims are struggling for basic facilities like drinking water, food and shelter. There is no one to listen to their complaints. Senior citizens are forced to walk for several kilometers and there is no way to protect themselves from the cold. The former Chief Minister said, ‘Instead of helping the poor seafarers, the government has limited their livelihood.’
BJP government accused of corruption
Accusing the BJP government at the state and center of corruption and failed governance, Akhilesh said that every scheme launched by it has become a story of bribery. He said that meanwhile, inflation, unemployment and corruption have reached unprecedented levels. Akhilesh Yadav said, ‘His faulty economic policies have ruined the economy. They promised dreams, but met with disappointment.
Yadav also criticized the situation in Varanasi, the parliamentary constituency of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said that despite promises to transform Varanasi into a Japanese-style smart city like Kyoto, the city remains neglected.
The SP chief said, ‘Fountains and open gym equipment in Madagin Park are broken, paddle boats and swings are damaged, street lights are not working and the roads are full of potholes. There is a lack of medicines and proper treatment facilities in hospitals.
He said that Lucknow also has poor sanitation, potholed roads and crumbling infrastructure due to similar mismanagement. Akhilesh said that the people will remove BJP and end the regime of corruption and commission.