BJP WhatsApp Coordinator – MP: WhatsApp chief appointed for the first time in BJP organization, know what will be his responsibilities – MP BJP Appoints First Ever WhatsApp Pramukh Know Their Role and Responsibilities lcla
BJP’s organization in Madhya Pradesh has been praised many times by everyone from PM Modi to the party’s national president JP Nadda. In this era of technology, to further strengthen this organization, BJP has started the work of making WhatsApp chief for the first time. He has also been made the first WhatsApp chief of the state.
Ramkumar Chaurasia, resident of Bhopal, does a private job. He has become the first WhatsApp chief of Madhya Pradesh. Talking to Aaj Tak, Ramkumar Chaurasia told that he has studied till M.Sc. Originally he is from Raisen district, but has been living in Bhopal for the last 30 years.
His booth number in BJP is 223. According to Ramkumar, he is extremely influenced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and because of him he got inclined towards BJP. Ramkumar said that the way the feeling towards the country has awakened among the youth all over the world after Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister and the way the world is looking towards India today, he feels proud and hence he decided to join BJP. decided to.
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Ramkumar said that BJP has made me the first WhatsApp chief of the state. It will be my endeavor to convey information about the party’s ideology and government schemes to all the voters of my booth through WhatsApp.
Let us tell you that while starting the preparations for the organization elections, recently State BJP President VD Sharma had inaugurated the Booth Organization Parv by becoming the Panna Pramukh from Ward-80 of Bhopal. BJP has prepared a structure of 12 officials at every booth, which will be taken to all the 65,015 booths in the entire state.
First of all, there will be a booth president at every booth. Then Booth Minister, BLA-2 who will be a party worker. The responsibilities being given will include WhatsApp chief, Mann Ki Baat chief, Hitgrahi chief, Panna chief etc. It has been made mandatory to have three women in the working committee of 12 people in every booth, so that the participation of women in the organization also increases.