Bahujan Samaj Party is trying to regain its lost land in Uttar Pradesh. In this sequence, BSP has now announced that it will launch Mission 2027 for the upcoming assembly elections in UP on January 15, on the occasion of BSP supremo Mayawati’s birthday.
It is being told that on the birthday of BSP supremo, the party will launch the 2027 mission in Uttar Pradesh. This mission is an exercise of BSP for the next assembly elections, which will be expedited by March.
Through this mission, a campaign will be launched for the BSP to find its lost political ground in UP and for this, the old faces of the party will return. Also, BAMCEF will be activated again. Which will be an important step for BSP. Through which she will try to strengthen her political ground.
Under this mission, BSP will also increase its political activity in various districts of UP. Party leaders and workers will contact people in rural and urban areas. And will also listen to their problems. Apart from this, the party will also look for new faces who can strengthen BSP on the ground.