A video from Saharanpur, UP is going viral on social media, in which some youth are seen sitting on the roof of a four-wheeler. During this time the hooter of the car is blowing loudly. It is being told that this incident happened in the convoy of party general secretary Ravindra Bhati of Nagina MP Chandrashekhar Azad.
After the video went viral, Saharanpur Police immediately took cognizance. SP Traffic Siddharth Verma said that the said vehicles are being challaned under the MV Act. The vehicles seen in the video have been identified and action is being taken under relevant sections. He said that such activities are not only a violation of traffic rules but are also dangerous for public safety.
Siddharth Verma further said that illegal activities like unauthorized hooting of vehicles and sitting on the roof have been done. For this, notices are being sent to vehicle owners. The police is completely serious in this matter and strict action will be taken against the culprits. He appealed that such carelessness should be avoided and traffic rules should be followed.
This incident happened when the convoy was going to participate in a program organized at Jan Manch. The actions of the youth seen in the video have become a topic of discussion among the people. Police has made it clear that such incidents will not be tolerated and strict action will be taken in future also.
Actually, in the video that surfaced from Agrasen Chowk of Saharanpur, some people are seen sitting on top of the vehicles. Hooters are being blown illegally in vehicles. In this regard, all the vehicles are being challaned under relevant sections under the MV Act. Notices are also being sent to vehicle owners.