The Election Commission announced the much-awaited dates of Delhi Assembly elections on Tuesday. The contest is between Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Indian National Congress. All three parties are claiming their respective victories. Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which is battling corruption charges, is trying to register victory for the third consecutive time in Delhi, while BJP has put in all its strength to turn the tables. Congress is also in the fight, which is contesting the elections alone.
Aam Aadmi Party had won a landslide victory in the 2015 and 2020 elections with 67 and 62 seats respectively. BJP had to be satisfied with 3 seats in 2015 and 8 seats in 2020, while Congress could not even open its account. Now in this election of 2025, it is important to know about the SWOT i.e. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of each party.
SWOT analysis of AAP-
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which is preparing for the Delhi Assembly elections, will have to try its best to score a hat-trick of victories.
AAP has a significant strength with Arvind Kejriwal as its chief ministerial candidate. Undoubtedly the most prominent political figure in Delhi, Kejriwal has maintained power for a decade, largely because of popular schemes like electricity, water and bus subsidies that resonate well with voters. These initiatives have undeniably strengthened AAP’s rapport with the urban population.
AAP is struggling with some weaknesses. Allegations of corruption have raised questions on its leadership. Especially in the matter of excise policy. At the same time, there is dissatisfaction among the local people towards the MLAs. Due to this, there was a need for large-scale changes in the selection of candidates. AAP’s failure to fulfill several key promises like cleaning the Yamuna, ensuring adequate water supply and improving sanitation and infrastructure has further overshadowed its achievements. Additionally, there is a significant lack of investment related to urban and rural infrastructure, which remains a point of contention.
Despite these challenges, AAP has important opportunities. With opposition parties- Congress and BJP having weak leadership in the national capital, AAP has a fair shot at coming to power for the third consecutive time. Such a victory would not only strengthen its position as a strong local force but also strengthen its position as an emerging national opposition, which has managed to keep the BJP at bay in Delhi despite its repeated victories in the Lok Sabha elections. Used to be.
Still, the dangers for AAP are huge. The stickiness of corruption allegations may undermine its anti-corruption credibility, which is one of its fundamental slogans. Moreover, controversies such as the alleged extravagance related to the Chief Minister’s residence pose a serious threat to its image. If Congress and BJP succeed in challenging Kejriwal’s integrity, it could curb his influence in national politics to a great extent.
SWOT analysis of BJP:
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is making a tough strategy to win its stronghold in the national capital. SWOT analysis provides information about his possible journey to regain his dominance in Delhi politics.
Under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP has developed into a strong election winning machine. Despite facing challenges in the last Lok Sabha elections, the party showed resilience and made significant comebacks in state elections like Haryana and Maharashtra. Planning to repeat the same strategy in Delhi, the BJP has a large leadership cadre that promotes high-voltage campaigns. Support from Chief Ministers of various states and strong support from the Sangh Parivar further strengthens his base.
Historically the BJP has struggled to establish itself as a viable local alternative in Delhi for over 25 years. An important reason behind this is the lack of inspiring local leadership, which leads to internal factionalism. The BJP also finds it challenging to effectively counter Arvind Kejriwal’s aggressive and charismatic campaign strategies, which puts the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in an advantageous position.
The recent unexpected victories in Haryana and Maharashtra have given Delhi confidence to overcome the odds against a favorite rival like AAP. As pressure on Kejriwal’s party is increasing due to corruption allegations and there is a possibility of division in AAP’s vote bank due to the strengthening of Congress, BJP is seeing an opportunity to gain control in Delhi. If the party registers victory, it will end the drought of 32 years since 1993, which will prove to be an important political milestone.
If BJP fails to register victory in Delhi again, it may harm the image of the country’s largest political party. With such results it would be natural to raise questions on the credibility of prominent leaders. Besides, the central leadership’s strategy of relying on the influence of PM Modi without projecting the local CM face will also be dealt a blow.
By using these dynamics to its advantage, the BJP aims to successfully navigate Delhi’s complex political landscape.
SWOT Analysis of Congress:
Congress finds itself at a critical juncture in this election. Analyzing its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a mixed picture emerges for the party.
Despite recent setbacks, the Congress still has a number of prominent leaders, many of whom were once influential figures and had great public appeal. The party has started to regain its hold among key demographics, especially Muslims and Dalits. The credit for this can be given to some extent to central leaders like Rahul Gandhi, who have aggressively pursued constitutional and minority issues.
However, the organizational structure of the party has become quite weak. After ruling Delhi for 15 years, Congress no longer sees the same situation in its state leadership. Compared to rivals like Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Congress seems to be struggling. Its presence is negligible in most constituencies.
Having got less than 5% votes and zero seats in the last assembly elections in 2020 and 2015, Congress has little to lose and a lot to gain. Anti-incumbency sentiments against the AAP government in Delhi, combined with dissatisfaction with the BJP at the national level, provide an opportunity for the Congress to regain ground. By strategically targeting minority and Dalit voters, Congress can potentially rebuild its support base.
Still the challenges are big. The party has almost been decimated in recent elections, including the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), Assembly and Lok Sabha elections. The last notable success was in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. Another major defeat could take the party very low, making it almost impossible to rejuvenate its prospects any time soon.