Do eat rotis made of this flour in winter, you will get amazing benefits – Buckwheat Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits tvisn

Kuttu is called buckwheat in English. Flour is made by grinding buckwheat seeds, which is called buckwheat flour. Buckwheat is grown in many places in India like Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal and Uttarakhand. Protein, magnesium, iron, calcium, folate, manganese and phosphorus are found in buckwheat flour. Buckwheat flour is gluten free and contains minerals and antioxidants. Besides, it also works to improve blood sugar level. Let us know about the benefits of eating buckwheat flour –

Improves skin and hair health- Buckwheat flour helps in improving skin and hair health because it contains Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Beneficial for heart health- Buckwheat flour helps in improving heart health because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.

Gluten-Free- Buckwheat flour is gluten free. In such a situation, if you have stomach related or digestion related problems then you must consume this flour. Also, if you are allergic to wheat flour, this flour proves to be very beneficial for you.

Helps in controlling diabetes- Buckwheat flour is rich in fiber. Besides, its glycemic index is also very low. It helps in reducing diabetes. It reduces blood sugar level.

Beneficial for bones- Buckwheat flour contains manganese. It is helpful in keeping bones strong. Due to manganese, the risk of osteoporosis disease is reduced.

Prevent hair fall- Even if you are troubled by falling and thinning hair, buckwheat flour is beneficial. It contains iron, protein and complex carbohydrate which helps in strengthening the hair.

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