Chunky Panday, who is best known as ‘Aakhri Pasta’ from the Housefull series, is all set to gear up for an intense role in the upcoming web-series Griha Laxmi co-starring Hina Khan as Laxmi. The actor, during the promotions, had a candid conversation with Bollywood Hungama where he was seen discussing his real name Suyash. During the interaction, Chunky also revealed that there are very few people who address him with his real name.
EXCLUSIVE: Chunky Panday reveals all about his ‘real name’ and also the list of ‘people’ who call him by that name
Chunky Panday reveals why he doesn’t respond to his real name
When asked why he started being referred to as Chunky, the actor said, “Iske peeche alag alag stories hai. Logon ko lagta hai mera naam Chandraatma ya aisa kuch hoga (There are many stories behind this. People assume it is because my name is like Chandraatma or something like that)” He further added that his real name is Suyash and continued, “And today the security log of the airport is also known.” They also asked if your name is ‘Suyash Panday’ (Only my school people know me by that name and of course, now, the security and CISF officers at the airport. Even they were quite surprised when they saw my real name)?”.
Also, as Chunky was asked whether he reacts when he addressed as Suyash Panday, he vehemently denied it. Explaining the reason, he joked, “Kyunki honge woh mere school ke dost jinko mujhe paise dene hain (Its because they are the people I have to lend money to)”.
Chunky Panday recalls collecting money from his friends during school
In the conversation, the actor revealed that he was keen on producing a film in his sixth standard and had started collecting money from his friends. He recalled the time Sholay released and as he remembered the craze and hype around the film, he shared, “Mere papa ke paas uss wakt ek superhit film camera (aka video camera) hua karta tha. I stole it in school and told my friends that I am making a film and who needs to work in my film. 500 ghar se laana hai (My father, at that time, had a video camera. I stole it and took it to school where I told my classmates that I am going to make a film and also told them that if they want to act in it, they have to pay Rs. 500 each.
He continued, “This was during 1975-76, when Rs. 500 was like Rs. 50,000. Everyone can make money by asking money from home, mummy-daddy. I collected a lot of money then. Aur woh film kabhi bani nahi (All of them collected that money, borrowed from their parents and gave it to me. But the film was never made).” Even now, when they meet me, they ask me about their money and say, ‘You have become a hero but we are still waiting for our turn’).”
Fans have loved Chunky’s on and off-screen sense of humor and the actor promises to entertain audiences with a wide variety of content ranging from films to web-series which are in the pipeline for release this year.
Also Read: Chunky Panday recalls getting paid for attending funeral: “Family said that if you cried, they would give more money”
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