Noida Police said on Saturday that a case has been registered against the founder of FIITJEE and 11 others on the complaint of parents of students of the coaching institute following the sudden closure of many of its centers in Delhi-NCR. Noida Police spokesperson said that an FIR has been registered against FIITJEE founder DK Goyal, Chief Financial Officer Rajiv Babbar, Chief Operating Officer Manish Anand and Greater Noida branch head Ramesh Batlesh.
According to PTI, sources said that after the sudden closure of the coaching institute in Delhi, more than 250 people had accused the East Delhi center of FIITJEE of fraud and mismanagement, after which the police started investigation. However, the institute claimed that the closure was a result of “mismanagement and abandonment” by the managing partners, and announced plans to take legal action against its competitors for the alleged kidnapping of its faculty.
Teachers resigned after not receiving salaries for months
On Friday, students and parents said that several FIITJEE centers in Delhi-NCR were unexpectedly closed and many teachers resigned reportedly due to non-payment of salaries for months.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Noida) Rambadan Singh said, “Based on the complaint of the parents, a case has been registered on charges of criminal conspiracy and breach of trust.” According to FIITJEE’s website, it runs 73 centers across the country, which provide coaching for competitive exams to engineering aspirants.
Citing the complaint of Greater Noida resident Satsang Kumar, a Noida Police spokesperson said that the institute’s center in Sector-62 was open till January 21, but closed an hour before the scheduled time. Later it was found that the center was completely closed. He claimed that more than 2,000 students studied at the centre. Manoj Kumar, resident of Sector Omega-2, Greater Noida, has also made similar allegations.
Parents of children enrolled in FIITJEE claimed that it charged huge fees, but failed to meet its commitments. A social media group created by those affected already has 257 members, many of whom are demanding immediate action.
A Delhi Police official said that they have started investigating the matter.
The sudden closure of FIITJEE centers has left many students and their parents, who have paid fees worth lakhs of rupees, in trouble.
FIITJEE issued statement
However, the institute said in a statement, “FIITJEE has not closed any center as per its decision. The only reason for such an unexpected situation is the managing partner of the center leaving the center overnight along with the entire team.” “The current disruption at the institute is temporary and is working to resume operations at all locations within a reasonable time.”
FIITJEE denied allegations that many teachers walked out due to non-payment of salaries for months and attributed the situation to a “criminal conspiracy hatched by people with vested interests”. “Our legal team is taking appropriate action against the malicious lawsuits filed against us,” the institute said.
The institute alleged that it was a victim of exploitation by the managing partners. “The financial position of FIITJEE deteriorated in January 2024 due to mismanagement and exploitation by the managing partners. The group CFO (Chief Financial Officer) estimated that the company could face an operational cash crunch after six months,” the institute said.