Fed up with blackmailing by cyber criminals in Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, a health worker committed suicide by hanging himself. According to the information, 37-year-old Prashant Sharma was posted as project manager in Badhpura block. On Tuesday, his body was found hanging in the room.
When the family members saw him hanging in the room, they too lost their senses. After which the family members hurriedly took him to the hospital, but the doctors declared him dead. Natthi Lal, father of the deceased health worker, told that Prashant was being blackmailed by cyber thugs. A complaint was also given to the cyber cell police regarding this.
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But no action was taken by the police against cyber thugs. Because of this Prashant became mentally disturbed. Due to which he committed suicide by hanging himself. At the same time, Diksha Tripathi, niece of deceased Prashant, told that someone was blackmailing my maternal uncle. Nude videos were sent to her and money was also demanded.
Was being harassed for last one year
Prashant was being blackmailed for the last one year. This information was also given to the police, but no action was taken by the police. Due to this, he committed suicide due to which he got upset. Medical Superintendent Dr. Hrithik Gupta, posted in the emergency of the district hospital, said that health worker Prashant Kumar was brought here. Who committed suicide by hanging himself.
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Here, in this case, the police say that a health worker committed suicide due to blackmailing by cyber thugs. At present FIR has been registered and investigation is going on.