Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and senior Congress leader Kamal Nath has expressed his displeasure with the organization. A mega rally is going to be held in Mhow on January 26, in which Rahul Gandhi, Mallikarjun Kharge and other senior leaders are expected to participate. A Zoom meeting of the Political Affairs Committee was held last night to discuss preparations for the rally. State Congress President Jitu Patwari, Leader of Opposition in the Assembly Umang Singhar, Kamal Nath, Digvijay Singh and other members of the state PAC attended this meeting.
During the virtual meeting, Kamal Nath said, ‘Nowadays it is happening that I am not even being asked about appointments in the organization. Senior leaders should be discussed about appointments. I am not given any information about the meetings and this has been happening in the past also. Recently I got information through media that a meeting has taken place in PCC.”
Digvijay Singh also angry!
Senior Congress leader Digvijay also expressed his displeasure through gestures and said, “I was told the agenda of the meeting only a few minutes before the meeting. This is not possible for us because we have been asked to attend the meeting through mobile. .”
Also read: ‘It is not just a question of one seat, but a big defeat in the entire MP…’, Kamal Nath said on son Nakulnath’s defeat from Chhindwara.
State Congress Chief replied
State Congress President Jitu Patwari said, “Decisions are being taken only after the opinion of all senior leaders. It is possible that there may have been some misunderstanding.”
He also said that a letter was issued recently regarding the appointment of spokespersons, but when he was told that senior leaders were not happy, all the appointments were immediately cancelled.