Jeddah: Maybe this is what is called luck. There was a time when Jitesh Sharma was gracing the bench of Mumbai Indians and today Jitesh Sharma, with a base price of Rs 1 crore, was bought by Royal Challengers Bangalore for Rs 11 crore in the mega auction of IPL 2025 on Sunday. There was a war for Jitesh Sharma in Lucknow and Chennai. Delhi has also entered the race and now the fight is between Delhi and Lucknow. Delhi is ahead with 4.40 crores at stake. But suddenly Bengaluru has also entered this conflict. The war between Punjab and Bengaluru continued and within no time more than Rs 5 crore was bet on Jitesh. After this, Chennai has also entered the race. Bengaluru made a bid of Rs 6 crores, while Bengaluru made a bid of Rs 7 crores. Punjab has used RTM on this. Bengaluru was in no mood to back down. He wanted a replacement for Dinesh Karthik at any cost. He has gambled Rs 11 crores and Punjab refused. Jitesh was bought from Bengaluru for Rs 11 crore.
It is important to mention here that Jitesh was a part of Mumbai Indians in 2016 and 2017 and the team did not give him a chance. At that time his price was Rs 10 lakh. He remained unsold the following year, having been out for 4 years. When Punjab Kings bought him in 2022, he once again came into the race. Last season, he gave sleepless nights to every franchise with his explosive performance. Now that he has joined Virat Kohli’s team, he is excited.
It is important to mention here that Jitesh was a part of Mumbai Indians in 2016 and 2017 and the team did not give him a chance. At that time his price was Rs 10 lakh. He remained unsold the following year, having been out for 4 years. When Punjab Kings bought him in 2022, he once again came into the race. Last season, he gave sleepless nights to every franchise with his explosive performance. Now that he has joined Virat Kohli’s team, he is excited.
He told the broadcaster about this – I will try my best to make Royal Challengers Bangalore the champion. The team has never won the trophy before. On the other hand, Hazlewood has been bought by Bengaluru for Rs 12.50 crore. Jitesh is a right-handed explosive batsman, while he is a part of Vidarbha in domestic cricket. Now it remains to be seen whether he can do a feat like Dinesh Karthik for the team or not.