Actor jaideep ahlawat has we said in on the ongoing nepotism debate in bollywood, offering a percetic that challenges the widespread notion that star kids have an emier paath in the indestry. In a recent interview with ani, jaideep defended actress alia bhatt, calling her a “brilliant actress” While Emphasizing that Star Kids Alaso Own Challenges.
Jaideep ahlawat speakes on nepotism, defends alia bhatt; Says, “Star kids face their own struggles”
Jaideep ahlawat on nepotism
Ahlawat pointed out that growing up in a film family provides a different kind of exposure but does not guarantee success. “Star Kids Understand the Profession Better as They Grow Up Discussing Films. NEPO KID. ‘ How Strange Must That Feel? ” He Questioned.
The actor further argued that it is unfair to hold someone’s birth against them. Using an analogy, he explained, “If a child is born to great doctors and people keep telling them every day, ‘oh, you’re a doctor’s child, so you’ll batter a doctor! ? It’s not their fault they were born into that family. “
Jaideep ahlawat praise alia bhatt
Ahlawat, who worked along with alia bhatt in the critically acclaimed film RaaziRecalled being highly impressed by her dedication to the craft. He shared that she would come to the set with extensive preparation, which was evident in her performance. “Alia comes to the set with so much preparation. You can see it in RaaziWhen we worked togetra, it was clear how well she had prepared for her role, “He added.
Bollywood nepotism
The debate on nepotism in bollywood has been a hot topic for years, with many believing that the Industry Favors Insiders Over Outsides. However, Ahlawat’s comments sugges that the conversation is more nuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Talent Beyond Lineage
Alia Bhatt, Daughter of Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt and Actress Soni Razdan, Has Establed Herself as One of the Leading Actresses in Bollywood Performances in Films LIKE Highway, Raaziand Gangubai kathiawadiDespite Her Lineage, She Has Has to Prove Her Mettle REPEATEDLY, A Sentiment Echoed by ahlawat in his defense of her and other star kids navigating the industry.
Also Read: Vineet Kumar Singh Opens Up About Struggles, Nepotism, and Alia Bhatt’s Journey: “Since the time she was in mahesh bhatt’s lap…”
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