The alleged BJP leader Dheeraj Chadha, who threatened SP MLA Naseem Solanki in Kanpur, has been arrested. Late night, SP leaders created a ruckus in the police station regarding the matter. After this the police took this action.
It is being told that the police had reached the house of accused leader Dheeraj Chaddha at night, but he had absconded. His teacher wife and other family members were found at home. The police had advised them to get Dheeraj present at the police station, otherwise the police would take strict action.
DCP Central Dinesh Tripathi said that the police team raided about 8 to 10 places late night. After this, accused Dheeraj Chadha was arrested from a house in Vinayakpur.
Let us tell you that in the viral audio, Dheeraj Chadha was heard talking rudely to Shishamau MLA Naseem Solanki. During this, he also threatened to beat up Solanki. Not only this, later Dheeraj was also justifying this. He also confessed that it was his voice in the audio.
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In fact, calling the SP MLA, Dheeraj Chadha says – What are you doing sitting at home, why are you not lighting a bonfire in a Hindu colony, are you crazy, I will beat you, you are a psycho.
In response to this, Naseem Solanki said – No bonfire, don’t burn your funeral pyre… Stupid man. Do one thing, come to me, we will get you treated right here.
When this audio of Naseem Solanki and Dheeraj Chaddha went viral, SP got furious. He went to the police station and demanded arrest. Solanki filed a case against Dheeraj. Now the police has arrested Dheeraj. Along with Naseem Solanki, he had also used abusive words for SP National President Akhilesh Yadav.
Before the arrest, Dheeraj had said that the threat I gave was justified. His voice is in the audio which is going viral. According to Dheeraj, I asked the MLA that why are you lighting bonfires only in Muslim areas and not in Hindu areas, on this he told me to light my own pyre. On which I talked about beating him.