After getting a government job in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, the wife demanded Rs 1 crore to live with her husband. The victim complained about this matter to the police. The victim told the police that he even left his good job in Canada for his wife. Now that the wife has got a job, she is demanding Rs 1 crore. He has insulted me in a way that cannot be expressed.
According to the information, in the complaint made to the police, the person living in Kanpur has said that I cannot believe that the person for whom I left a good job in Canada to marry, came to live in Kanpur for him. Gave full support to him to get a government job. And when he got a government job, he refused to live with me. Now she is demanding Rs 1 crore to live together. Victim Bajrang Bhadauria has lodged a report at Naubasta police station in Kanpur. In this, wife, father-in-law and mother-in-law have been made accused. Police have started investigation in this matter.
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The victim shared his pain by showing pictures of his marriage and engagement. The victim said that I loved her very much, after marriage, on her request, I left my job in Canada and came to Kanpur. When he got a job here, he was fully supported. Got prepared for the job, but as soon as I got the government job, he refused to live with me. Called several times, she did not come. After this, one day she came with her father and brother and insulted me in my house and made me hostage in the room. The wife put a condition that if she wanted to keep it with her, she would have to pay one crore rupees.
Victim’s lawyer Gaurav Porwal said that this is a different kind of case. The wife harasses the husband and is demanding money to live together. He has got a government job. We have lodged a report in this matter. Police is investigating. Well, this should not happen in society. In this case, ADCP of Kanpur South Mahesh Kumar says that on the complaint of the husband, a report has been registered against the wife, her father, brother and mother. Further action will be taken on the basis of investigation. The wife’s side will also be known. More evidence has been sought from the husband.