Mamta kulkarni, who was facing charges related to a drug case, took to social media to express her happiness as she returned to her hometown Mumbai after Years. The actress was away from the country after the several charges were pressed against her for her alleged involvement with a Drug Cartel Along with Her Beau Vicky Goswami. While her return sparked rumors about her returning to movies, the actress has recently shared a statement where she has expressed her desire to give up world up world up world up world.
Karan Arjun Actress Mamta Kulkarni Changes Name to Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri; joins kinnar akhada
Mamta kulkarni joins kinnar akhada
In a series of videos which have found its way on social media, the actress is seen undergoing rituals of the conscation ceremony where therein she was seen giveing up her worldly desires to bee. Speaking About Her Turning Into Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri, Acharya Mahamandleshwar of Kinnar Akhada, Laxmi Narayan Told Ani, “Kinnar Akhada is GOING to MAKE MAKE MAMTA MAMTA ACHIAMANI Eshwar. She is now named Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri. As I am talking here, all the rituals are underway. She has been in touch with kinnar akhada and me for the last one and a half years. She is allowed to perform the character of any devotional figure if she wats, as we do not prohibit anyone from performing their art. “
Mamta kulkarni was also seen doing ‘pind dhaan’ as a part of these customs and rituals, with videos of the same going viral across platforms.
Actress Reveals Her Disinterest in Rejoining Movies
Meanwhile, mamta kulkarni has opened to India today about her future plans, wherein she assessed that she never wanted to return to her cartry to do movies. “I can’t even imagine doing films again. It is absolutely impossible for me now, “She confirmed to India today. She also open up about the ritual she underwent at kumbh mela, saying, “It’s only with the blessings of the Goddess adishakti that I have been bestowed with this best it represents freedom. Are no restrictions here. “
For the universed, mamta kulkarni was one of the most-after after actress in bollywood and has featured AlongSide actors like salman khan, shah rukh khan, aamir khan, akesi khan, akshay kumar, saif uni khan, amounted.
Also read: Mamta Kulkarni Denies Connection with the Drug World and Vicky Goswami: “I spent 12 years in dhyan, tap, and puja path. When he came out of jail… ”
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