Mumbai Police has arrested the attacker in the case of attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. Police arrested the main accused Mohammad Aliyan alias BJ from Thane area. According to the information, Mohammad Aliyan is the person who entered the house and attacked Saif Ali Khan with a knife on the night of 16 January.
Used to do housekeeping work in a bar
The accused has been identified as Mohammad Aliyan alias BJ. After being caught, he confessed to the police that he was the one who entered Saif and Kareena’s house and attacked them. Mumbai Police team has arrested him from Labor Camp area of Thane. The accused worked as a housekeeping worker at Ricky’s Bar in Thane.
Gave fake name to escape
The officials of Vile Parle police station have succeeded in catching him. According to the official information given by the police, the accused caught in Thane is the same person who was wanted for the attack on Saif Ali Khan. Now he will be brought to Bandra and interrogated.
To avoid being caught, the attacker gave his false name as ‘Vijay Das’. Before the arrest of the attacker, posters of him, captured in CCTV footage of Saif Ali Khan descending the stairs of his house, were put up in places in and around Mumbai.
A suspect caught from Chhattisgarh
Earlier on Saturday, a suspect related to the attack was detained from Durg in Chhattisgarh. Police had also detained two people from Mumbai. Both the suspects detained on Saturday are being interrogated. The Mumbai Police team has also shared the picture of the suspect detained from Durg, Chhattisgarh. His name is said to be Akash.
During interrogation by the local police, he declared himself to be a resident of Mumbai. Giving information about Akash being taken into custody, a Mumbai Police officer said that the Mumbai Police team will reach Durg and interrogate the suspect.
The suspect was detained by the Railway Protection Force in Chhattisgarh Durg. He was going to Bilaspur when he was detained. According to the Railway Protection Force, a bag was also found from him on which Fastrack was written. A similar bag has also been seen in the CCTV of Saif’s building and Dadar mobile shop. He was traveling by Dnyaneshwari Express. Mumbai Police had received information about the mobile location on the basis of which he has been detained. Suspect Akash has been caught from Dnyaneshwari Express.