The ancient tradition of Maire is once again in the news in Malgaon in Nagaur district of Rajasthan. Retired teacher Ramnarayan Jharwal, resident of Burdi village, paid a sum of Rs 2 crore for the wedding of his grandson Rameshwar. In this, Rs 1 crore cash, gold and silver jewelery and a plot was given.
It is being told that on the occasion of Rameshwar’s wedding on December 7, Ramnarayan Jharwal arrived with his family in a convoy of 250 vehicles. There maternal grandfather and maternal uncle together followed the tradition of Maire. Ramnarayan performed this ritual at the wedding of sister Santosh and her husband Maniram Dhaka’s son.
In this regard, a plot worth Rs 30 lakh along with Rs 1 crore 1 lakh in cash, 25 tola gold and 5 kg silver, 140 silver coins, a new tractor-trolley filled with gravel and a pot filled with desi ghee were given.
The brothers collected rice worth more than two crores
Ramnarayan’s elder son Ramkishore is a nursing officer in Australia and younger son Dr. Ashok Jhadwal is MD (Medicine) in JLN Hospital, Nagaur. During the celebration, jewellery, clothes and other gifts were also presented to the sister and her in-laws. This has become a topic of discussion in Myra area. It is being linked to the tomb of Jayal that was filled during the Mughal period.
Also gave Rs 1 crore cash, jewelery and plot
There is an ancient tradition played by the maternal side in the marriage of Mayra (Bhaat) sister’s children. In this, gifts are given to the sister’s family and in-laws. By performing this ritual, Ramnarayan’s family showed their generosity. Even today the women of Marwar remember this story and sing it in folk songs.
On this special occasion, family friend Pawan Pahadia told that at present it is not a big deal for anyone to have money. But showing a big heart like this is a big thing. Ramnarayan’s family has implemented this very thing. After arriving at the nephew’s wedding with his father and the entire family, two maternal uncles performed the ritual of filling the rice.
ancient tradition
Let us tell you, at the time of marriage of sister’s children, the ritual of filling myra (rice) is performed by the maternal side. In this ritual, people from the maternal side gift money, jewellery, clothes etc. to the sister’s children and family. Clothes and jewelery are also given as gifts to the sister’s in-laws.