Today in Prayagraj Mahakumbh 2025, three All India Vaishnav Ani Akharas entered the city. These Akharas entered their camp today with full fanfare and tight security arrangements.
The Peshwai of all three Akharas was held from KP Inter College grounds. At the city entrance of any Akhara, there are mounted policemen at the forefront who walk in a queue like a shield in front of the Akhara.
Behind the mounted police contingent is a group of elephants of the Akhara, on which the advance army of the Akharas ride. These are the saints who join the guarding team of the Akharas. Behind them is another group of Akharas riding on camels who are the sadhus of the second row of the Akhara. Which is called the second layer of security.
Behind them, the Akharas have their own cavalry who are armed with weapons like spears and lances. After that, there is a procession of Sadhus from the Akhara on foot, with the band playing and then singing and dancing. Every Akhara has its own specific time and method of entry. Every Akhara has its own specialty which is displayed while entering the city during Kumbh.
At the same time, a Sadhu told that this is the Peshwai of our Akharas and through this our Sadhus will enter the city. After this our Kumbh has started. Now we will stay here for a month. After entering the Akhara, we will start preparations for the royal baths.