Ashwin Kumar’s upcoming animated series, Mahavatar Narsimha is receiving love for its epic and visually stunning posters. Produced by Hombale Films and Kleem Productions, this magnum opus marks the launch of the Mahavatar series, which will bring to life the stories of Lord Vishnu’s many avatars. Amidst the rising excitement, the makers have released a teaser, drawing the audience further into its enthralling world and it has been receiving a positive response. Coming from the makers of Kantaraproducer Vijay Kiragandur has shared his happiness over the response for the teaser.
Producer Vijay Kiragandur reflects on the response he received for Mahavatar Narsimha teaser; says, “It reinforces our belief in its potential”
While speaking about the same, Mahavatar Narsimha producer Vijay Kiragandur said, “After the success of Kantarawe received numerous requests from content creators eager to share their films inspired by Indian culture. Among many compelling proposals, Mahavatar Narsimha stood out for its unique vision and thoughtful approach. We were drawn to the film’s deep-rooted connection with our cultural heritage and the way it resonated with us. Backing this project has been a decision we’re truly proud of, and seeing the positive response to the teaser reinforces our belief in its potential. We’re excited to see where this journey takes us, and for now, we’re allowing the excitement around the teaser to continue to build.”
Hombale Films has been the banner behind blockbuster franchises like KGF and Kantara, along with salary, Bagheeraand others. Now, as they gear up for Mahavatar Narsimha, they promise it to be yet another cinematic spectacle. The makers have always spoken about their love for stories rooted in Indian culture and Indian traditions as they aim to bring them to the world through their projects.
As for Mahavatar Narsimhait is directed by Ashwin Kumar and produced by Shilpaa Dhawan, Kushal Desai, and Chaitanya Desai under the banner of Kleem Productions. In collaboration with Hombale Films, it will also be released in 3D and in five Indian languages on April 3, 2025.
Also Read: “The Mahavatar Series will present awe-inspiring tales of Lord Vishnu’s avatars,” says Vijay Kiragandur of Hombale Films.
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