Released on Thursday, Pushpa 2: The Rule (Hindi) completed 4 weeks in theaters yesterday. In the process, it almost touched Rs. 800 crores. The film has been enjoying a phenomenal run ever since release, though yesterday it did see an expected drop since it was the first day post the big holiday season.

That said, there is still some holiday effect coming into play since both Christmas and New Year fell bang in the middle of consecutive weeks, and as a result, despite being a working day, several patrons were enjoying a long week off due to which the collections didn’t come down as much as they would have had this been a regular weekday. This was seen in the numbers that read Rs. 4.7 crores, which is still an excellent number for fourth Thursday.

Today too, there has been no new release with This young man is a goddess being the only notable film to arrive and that too as a re-release on select screens and shows. The film will bring in some numbers and it would be interesting to see whether the Ranbir Kapoor – Deepika Padukone starrer will collect more or baby johnwhich is starting its second week. Meanwhile, Pushpa 2 (Hindi) will keep bringing in moolah today as well and with its current total already standing at Rs. 797.70 crores, it would be aiming to enter Rs. 800 Crore Club today.

Note: All collections as per various box office sources

More Pages: Pushpa 2 – The Rule Box Office Collection , Pushpa 2 – The Rule Movie Review