Actor Akshay Kumar has been facing challenges at the box office with recent releases. In a recent conversation with YouTuber Siddharth Kannan, fellow actor Ram Kapoor weighed in on the reasons behind Akshay’s box office struggles, shedding light on the involvement of producers and the actor’s professional commitments.
Ram Kapoor defends Akshay Kumar amid latter’s box office struggles: “It’s an entire team. You can’t blame one person.”
Ram Kapoor stated that the blame for Akshay’s recent film failures should not fall entirely on the actor. “It is not Akshay who should be blamed; it’s the big producers he is working with,” said Ram. He explained that actors often commit to projects years in advance, making it difficult to back out, regardless of the outcome. “Once they have committed, they don’t have the option to back out,” Kapoor added.
Why Akshay Kumar Can’t Break the Cycle
Addressing the issue of Akshay’s repetitive film choices, Ram Kapoor pointed out the importance of maintaining professional relationships in the industry. “If a director or producer you’ve worked with in the past returns with new projects, you can’t say no for the sake of a good relationship,” he explained. He further added that Akshay’s decision to continue working with certain filmmakers, despite criticism, is a result of his long-standing professional ties.
Ram Kapoor also clarified that no actor willingly chooses a project that is destined to flop. “They see the person backing it, a sound script, sound money, and a good role,” Kapoor elaborated, acknowledging the unpredictability of what will work at the box office.
Professionalism and Longevity: Ram Kapoor Lauds Akshay Kumar
Ram Kapoor took a moment to praise Akshay’s professionalism and work ethic. “He is the first one to arrive on set and doesn’t go to his van. He doesn’t leave the set at all,” said Kapoor. He also highlighted the actor’s remarkable ability to sustain stardom for over 30 years, noting the competitiveness of the industry. “This industry is so cut-throat… they throw people out in seconds. So, if you’re still managing to be the star you were 30 years ago, there’s something you must be doing right,” Kapoor remarked.
Akshay Kumar’s Box Office Failures: A Collective Responsibility
In conclusion, Ram Kapoor reiterated that the blame for Akshay’s recent box office struggles lies not with the actor alone but with a larger team effort. He emphasized that Akshay works with some of the biggest producers in the industry, and their collective decisions play a significant role in shaping his film choices. “It is not one person’s decision—it’s an entire team. You can’t blame one person,” Kapoor concluded.
Also Read: Ektaa R Kapoor drops cryptic post calling out ‘unprofessional actors’ after Ram Kapoor comments on controversial kissing scene in Bade Achhe Lagte Hain
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