Marking her much-anticipated debut, daughter of 90s diva Raveena Tandon and popular Bollywood distributor Anil Thadani – Rasha Thadani recently turned emotional as her film Azaad, directed by Abhishek Kapoor, hit theaters last week. Also starring debutant Aaman Devgan, Ajay Devgn, Diana Penty, Mohit Malik, and others, the film is expected to be a period drama set against the backdrop of British Raj in India. As her journey with the film came to an end after its release, Rasha couldn’t help but get emotional about her first movie and decided to pen a sweet note of gratitude on social media.
Rasha Thadani expresses gratitude towards Aaman Devgan and the team of Azaad in an emotional social media post.
Rasha Thadani shares photos not only from the film but also from the promotions
The young actress, who was the quite celebrity on social media, shared multiple fond memories associated with the film on Instagram. Along with that, she also thanked all members of the cast and crew in the caption saying, “ow can I even try to put these last 3 years in one paragraph. “My heart beats, and you beat”. Azaad, Govind, Janaki, Tej, Kesar, Gattu sir, Pragya. We are one family, one team. This experience has been the best one yet, I can’t say it enough. Grateful to @gattukapoor and @pragyakapoor_ for everything and more. And Thankyou @itsamittrivedi for giving us such beautiful songs that will stay with me forever.”
She concluded by adding, “@mohitmalik1113 @dianapenty Thankyou for teaching so me so so so much and being there for us. And Govind, aka, @aamandevgan Thankyou for being my support system, and thankyou for making me a better person. I hope you’re watching Azaad in theatres, if you wanna laugh a little and if you wanna cry a little”.
About Azaad
Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor, the film, set in 1920s India, showcases the journey of man with a horse that unfolds as a tale of rebellion and resilience, where his quest to ride the majestic horse transforms into a path of self-discovery. and courage.
Also Read: Azaad: Abhishek Kapoor pens emotional note saying, “Sapne hit ya flop nahi hote” as he drops UNSEEN BTS pics from the film
More Pages: Azaad Box Office Collection , Azaad Movie Review
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