Bollywood’s beloved star Salman Khan has extended his heartfelt support to Himesh Reshammiya’s upcoming film, Badass Ravi KumarThe superstar shared the poster of the high-octane action musical on his Instagram story, along with a link to the film’s trailer, wishing Himesh all the best for his venture. Salman captioned the post with “Best Wishes” and tagged Himesh Reshammiya, signaling his excitement for the retro action-packed film.
Salman Khan sends “Best wishes” to Himesh Reshammiya for Badass Ravi Kumar
Badass Ravi Kumar is a true throwback to the golden era of Bollywood, set in the vibrant 80s with a mix of action, drama, and music. The motion poster, accompanied by retro beats and bold dialogue delivery, offers a glimpse into the film’s nostalgic essence—a Himesh Reshammiya retro action musical that pays tribute to iconic filmmakers like Feroz Khan, Rajiv Rai, and Nasir Hussain while embracing the legendary RD Burman. style of music.
Directed by Keith Gomes and produced under the banner of Himesh Reshammiya Melodies, Badass Ravi Kumar is poised to bring back the glory of 80s-style cinema. Fans of Himesh Reshammiya can expect a visual feast full of energy, color, and dynamic action, making it a highly anticipated release.
Scheduled for a grand release on February 7, 2025, Badass Ravi Kumar is all set to capture the hearts of both classic Bollywood fans and modern moviegoers.
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