The clampdown is being tightened on the police officers in connection with the meeting of Samajwadi Party leaders with the accused of Sambhal violence lodged in jail. In this case, the jailer and deputy jailer of Moradabad had already been suspended and now Moradabad Jail Superintendent PP Singh has also been suspended.
Let us tell you that his role was found suspicious in the investigation of DIG Jail. This action against Moradabad Jail Superintendent has created a stir in the police department. Let us tell you that it is alleged that the officials, going against the rules, had made the Samajwadi Party leaders meet the accused of Sambhal violence lodged in the jail. There was a lot of uproar after this information came to light.
Letter was sent for action
In fact, action was taken against Moradabad Jail Jailer Virendra Vikram Yadav and Deputy Jailor Praveen Singh and they were suspended. At that time a letter was sent to the government for action against Jail Superintendent PP Singh. Now after the investigation by the DIG, the jail superintendent has also been punished and he has also been suspended.
SP delegation had met
Let us tell you that a delegation of Samajwadi Party had met the accused in the Sambhal violence case in Moradabad district jail. Former SP MP ST Hasan was also included in this. According to Hasan, a total of 15 people including Naugawan Sadat (Amroha) MLA Samarpal Singh, Thakurdwara MLA Nawab Jan Khan had gone to jail to meet the accused.
Case against more than two and a half thousand people
It is known that violence broke out in Sambhal district of UP on November 24 during the survey of Shahi Jama Masjid on the orders of the local court, due to which 4 people died and about two dozen people were injured. Policemen were also included among the injured. At present, the police have registered cases against more than two and a half thousand people for the violence, most of whom are unidentified. Those against whom a case has been registered in the Sambhal case also include Samajwadi Party MP from Sambhal Zia ur Rehman Burke and Sohail Iqbal, son of Sambhal MLA Iqbal Mahmood.