While fans of Shah Rukh Khan are excited to see him on the big screen, the actor has been keeping busy with not just work but also in spending time with his family. This holiday season, the Khan family decided to keep it low-key as they decided to take off on a short trip to their lavish Alibaug bungalow. They were spotted heading out of the jetty at the Gateway of India in Mumbai and SRK was not only accompanied by his team but also his wife Gauri Khan, daughter Suhana Khan, and son AbRam. It seems that their eldest born Aryan was not a part of it.
Shah Rukh Khan returns after a family vacation in Alibaug; his pet dog captures attention in viral videos
What garnered attention though, in the photos, was the way Shah Rukh Khan was fondly holding his pet dog. Dressed in an all-black avatar and a hoodie that covered his face, SRK played the perfect dad who was shielding his youngest kid AbRam from too much camera and paparazzi glare. Along with that, he was holding his small pet in his arms as the family made their way to their car. The video of Shah seems to gained immense traction on social media, not surprisingly, and it has now become viral across the platforms. Fans too reacted to the video with many showering their love and dropping comments on the post.
Meanwhile, on the work front, many are excited to see the father-daughter duo together on screen. For the unversed, Suhana Khan will make her theatrical debut with a Siddharth Anand film titled Kingwhich is expected to be a gangster drama starring Shah Rukh Khan in a key role. This will also mark the duo’s first onscreen collaboration. Also starring Abhishek Bachchan and Munjya fame Abhay Verma, the film is produced by Marflix Pictures and it is in the pipeline for release next year.
Also Read: Photos: Shah Rukh Khan with wife Gauri and daughter Suhana snapped at the Gateway of India
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