While the social media handle of Sonakshi Sinha is abuzz with photos of her sojourns with husband Zaheer Iqbal, the actress found herself in the midst of pregnancy rumours, only a few months after the wedding. However, the actress smartly dodged them by sharing a witty response and also putting an end to the speculations by announcing her new entrepreneurial venture, EZIMom.
Sonakshi Sinha shuts down pregnancy speculation with a sassy response; introduces post maternity care brand ‘EZImom’
Sonakshi Sinha promises to take care of women undergoing postpartum
The actress, who has channelized her inner entrepreneurial spirit with ventures like Soezi Nails, recently announced the launch of a new brand EZIMom, that focuses on postpartum care for new mothers. The news came amid speculations of the actress’ pregnancy with netizens flooding the social media platform with questions like “Is Sonakshi Sinha pregnant?” and “Is Baby Iqbal on the way?”
Adding fuel to the fire, the timing of this launch led many to believe the actress might be hinting at her own journey into motherhood. But in true Sonakshi style, she took to Instagram to clear the air in the most witty and fun way possible! She cheekily addressed the rumours, saying ‘it’s not about a baby on the way—but about her “new baby,” her brand, EZIMom’. Taking to Instagram, as she shared photos and videos from the launch, introducing herself as co-founder of EziMom, Sonakshi added in the caption, “Just delivered my 2nd baby (after @itssoezi) – @ezi.mom A brand that’s all about easing every new mom’s journey into motherhood!”
About EziMom
With her tongue-in-cheek response, Sonakshi not only silenced the rumors but also redirected the focus back to her brand, which aims to provide care and support for new mothers navigating the challenges of postpartum recovery.
Also Read: Sonakshi Sinha gets a wakeup call from a lion; Zaheer Iqbal shares video of him ordering the lion
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