30 people have died in a stampede at Mahakumbh of Prayagraj, while 60 people are injured. CM Yogi has announced the formation of Kamtethi to investigate this incident. Referring to the stampede, CM Yogi’s eyes were filled. He said that this incident is very sad. I am deeply saddened by the death of devotees. It is going to be heartbroken. We have condolences to all those families, whose families have come in the grip of this incident. He said that we are in touch with the Fair Authority Police Administration since last night, the arrangements that could have been made were made.
CM Yogi Adityanath said that we are also announcing financial assistance of Rs 25 lakh to the families of each deceased who lost their lives in the accident on behalf of the state government. The judicial commission will investigate the entire case and submit its report to the state government within a time limit. In this regard, the Chief Secretary and DGP themselves will visit Prayagraj themselves and will look at all those issues if required.
This incident is heartbreaking: CM Yogi
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that this incident is heartbreaking. We express our deep condolences to all those families who have lost their loved ones. We are in constant contact with the administration since last night. Fair Authority, police, administration, NDRF, SDRF and all other arrangements which could have been made have been deployed there.
’36 people are undergoing treatment in Prayagraj’
CM Yogi Adityanath said that a large number of devotees had gathered in Prayagraj from 7 pm yesterday to take a holy bath on Mauni Amavasya. An unfortunate incident occurred on the Akhara road, more than 90 people were injured in the accident. 30 people died in this. 36 people are undergoing treatment in Prayagraj, this incident occurred because the mob broke the barricading of Akhara Marg.