Three people died and two others were seriously injured in a horrific road accident on Friday morning in Surajpur district of Chhattisgarh. This accident happened near Chandpur village on National Highway 43 when the tire of an SUV burst and the vehicle went out of control and overturned.
According to the news agency report, this accident happened when five people were returning from a wedding ceremony. According to the police, the incident occurred when the deceased were returning from Manendragarh to Ambikapur after attending a wedding ceremony. According to the information, the vehicle was traveling at high speed and overturned due to tire burst.
In this accident, three people died on the spot. The deceased have been identified as Anand Chaudhary (Jharsuguda), Rita Chaudhary (Ambikapur) and Pushpa Manjhi (Korba). The injured include Ajay Nath Chaudhary (38) and his 10-year-old son Aniket.
Both have suffered serious injuries. First he was admitted to a hospital in Surajpur, but considering his condition, he was referred to Ambikapur Medical College Hospital. Police said that the main reason behind the accident is believed to be the high speed of the vehicle and tire burst. At present, investigation is going on at the spot, and all the facts are being investigated.
Expressing grief over this tragic incident, the local administration has appealed to all the people to drive safely and slowly on the road and get their vehicles checked regularly. The police has started the investigation.