On Wednesday, Bollywood actor Sunny Deol commemorated Army Day by spending quality time with the jawans, saluting their bravery and dedication. Army Day, observed annually on January 15, marks the historic occasion of Lieutenant General Kodandera M. Cariappa becoming the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army in 1949. Deol shared heartfelt moments from the celebration on his Instagram, honoring the ” heroes” who selflessly serve the nation.
Sunny Deol joins Jawans for Army Day celebrations: “Saluting the courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication of our heroes”
How Sunny Deol Honored the Soldiers
Deol posted a series of videos and photos, showcasing his interaction with the soldiers. In one clip, the actor joined the jawans in a spirited chant of “Bharat Mata Ki Jai,” capturing the unity and pride shared during the event. Additional pictures revealed him posing with soldiers and participating in games, creating a cheerful and inspiring atmosphere. Expressing his admiration, Deol captioned the post: “Then, Now and Forever Saluting the courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication of our heroes. Happy Indian Army Day! #HindustanZindabad #ArmyDay.”
Then,Now and Forever????????
Saluting the courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication of our heroes. Happy Indian Army Day!#HindustanZindabad#ArmyDay pic.twitter.com/snmsGAU9Xd
— Sunny Deol (@iamsunnydeol) January 15, 2025
Sunny Deol’s Upcoming Film: Border 2
On the professional front, Sunny Deol will next be seen in the much-anticipated war film. Border 2Directed by Anurag Singh, the sequel to the 1997 classic border will feature an ensemble cast including Diljit Dosanjh, Varun Dhawan, and Ahaan Shetty. The film, which chronicles the events of the 1971 Indo-Pak war, aims to deliver a grand cinematic experience while continuing the legacy of the original. Border 2 is backed by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, JP Dutta, and Nidhi Dutta and promises to captivate audiences with its compelling narrative.
Also Read: Sunny Deol opens up on male actors going shirtless, hairy-chested; says, “You should not be ashamed of what you are”
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