As Manoj Bajpayee fans excitedly await the premiere of Season 3 of his popular web-series The Family Man, the actor has dropped a major update that will definitely leave them intrigued. Manoj, who was expected to be shooting for a major schedule of the highly awaited Raj and DK web-show, has wrapped up the same and decided to share about it on his social media handle.
The Family Man 3 shoot wraps up; Manoj Bajpayee teases fans with a post that says, “Aur Thoda Intezar”
Much to the excitement of fans, Manoj Bajpayee took to his Instagram page to share a story, announcing the wrap up of The Family Man Season 3. The actor posted a picture of the cake that read, “2024 Shoot Wrap Up” and the actor along with his co-star Sharib Hashmi, were tagged. Apart from that, the actor also penned a message teasing the audience about the wait for the new season as he wrote, “Shooting Wrapped!! For Family Man 3! Aur Thoda Intezar..” and also added an hourglass emoji. It seems that the actor wants the fans to guess the date of the premiere of The Family Man 3.
Readers would be aware that The Family Man features Manoj Bajpayee in the role of Srikanth Tiwari and Priyamani playing the role of his wife Suchitra with Ashlesha Thakur and Vedant Sinha playing his kids Dhriti and Atharv respectively. Along with giving glimpses of the family life of the undercover RAW agent Srikanth Tiwari, The Family Man also showcases how he races against time as he tries to protect his nation and family against potential threats showcasing his heroic side.
Apart from him, Sharib Hashmi, Shreya Dhanwanthary, Dalip Tahil, Sharad Kelkar, among others also play key roles. While the first season saw Sunny Hinduja as the lead antagonist, who also essayed an important character in the second season which featured Samantha Ruth Prabhu, it is yet to be seen if the popular actor will mark his reentry into the third season too. While the show will premiere on Amazon Prime Video, the date for the same remains under wraps.
Also Read: The Family Man – Citadel: Honey Bunny has a fun crossover as Srikant and JK set to dig out the archives of ‘dangerous spies’
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