A surprising case has come to light from Fatehpur district of Uttar Pradesh. Due to increase in the price of green peas here, peas have been stolen. CCTV footage of the theft incident has also surfaced, in which the thief is seen entering the shop and filling peas in a sack. On the complaint of the victim, the police have registered a case against the unknown thief and started investigation.
According to the victim, the incident occurred on the night of January 3. Actually, a thief stole 50 kg peas from the shop of vegetable seller Mohammad Amin in the town located in Bindki Kotwali area of Fatehpur district. Now the vegetable seller has given a complaint letter to the police in this matter, demanding action. Let us tell you that Mohammad Amin, resident of Kajiana Mohalla of Kotwali area of the city, supports his family by doing vegetable business.
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Amen’s vegetable shop is next to the Hanuman temple on Tehsil Road of the town. Like every day, Amin closed his vegetable shop at around 10 pm on January 3 and went home. There were 50 kg green peas in a sack along with other vegetables in the shop. When Amin went to open the shop at 7 am the next day, he noticed that the bag of peas was missing. According to the victim, the value of the stolen peas was Rs 2,250. In this matter, the police have registered a case against the unknown thief under section 303 (2) of BNS and have started further action.
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Amin (the victim shopkeeper) told that a sack of peas weighing about 50 kg was stolen, which was captured in the CCTV camera. The incident happened the night before yesterday, when the shop was opened in the morning, a sack full of peas had been stolen. FIR has been lodged in this regard. Our demand is that the thief who took the peas should be caught.