UP Police Constabale Physical Exam: The final phase of constable recruitment examination in Uttar Pradesh is going to start soon. The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment Board has announced that a physical test will be conducted in various PAC Venus of the state from 10 February. This test will be the final phase of soldier recruitment held on 60,244 posts, and after this test, candidates will be appointed to the post of constable.
The recruitment board has sent a letter to all the PAC commanders and directed to repair the track and other necessary resources of the police line for the physical test. During this time, candidates will be tested for their fitness, including physical tests such as races, long jump, high jump. Apart from this, other physical competencies will also be assessed. This recruitment examination is being conducted for recruitment to the post of constable in Uttar Pradesh Police Department. Candidates who pass this physical test will be considered eligible for the next phase and then they will be appointed as soldiers.
The recruitment board has advised all the candidates to reach the examination center ahead of time and follow the rules and guidelines prescribed during the examination. Also, candidates have also been advised to finalize their preparation and be fully prepared for any type of physical test.
Appointment will be done after training
After the completion of the physical efficiency test, the final result of constable recruitment will be released and the candidates will be posted after training. The written examination for the recruitment for a total of 60,244 constable posts was conducted from 23 to 31 August 2024. The exam was done in two shifts each day.
Around 48 lakh candidates had applied to appear in the examination, while about 32 lakh candidates had appeared in the examination. For the first time, the examination for soldier recruitment was conducted on 17 and 18 February 2024, but due to the paper leak, the state government canceled the examination. The examination was again conducted again from 23 to 31 August.