Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Tuesday that no protocol will be implemented during the main bathing festival in the Maha Kumbh Mela and flowers will be showered on saints and devotees on this occasion. Addressing journalists after the review meeting in Prayagraj, Adityanath said that the fair has almost taken shape and more than 7,000 organizations have come. He said that more than 1.5 lakh tents have been arranged by the fair authority. He said that people from all over the country and the world are eager to come to Prayagraj Mahakumbh.
CM Adityanath appealed to the people of Prayagraj to set an excellent example of hospitality as well as cleanliness during the Maha Kumbh and said that this time they are getting a better opportunity than the example set in the 2019 Kumbh.
Terming the safety and comfort of every pilgrim and tourist at the Maha Kumbh as the top priority, Adityanath said, “Be it an Indian or a foreigner, an NRI or a resident of Prayagraj, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety and comfort of everyone at the Maha Kumbh without any discrimination.” .”
Let us tell you that while reviewing the preparations for Mahakumbh, the Chief Minister took stock of the progress of the work of all the departments one by one. He also directed the officials to quickly complete the police verification of all street vendors, auto-rickshaw and e-rickshaw drivers.
He said that people who are irritated with Indian culture and traditions are spreading wrong information about Mahakumbh, they should be given a befitting reply. Fair Officer Vijay Kiran Anand told the Chief Minister that the work of allotment of land to all the Akharas, Mahamandaleshwar, Khalsa, Dandibara, Khakchowk and other institutions has been completed, while the work of allotment to Prayagwal and other new institutions is going on.
During his visit to Prayagraj, CM performed Abhishek and worship of Mother Ganga and had darshan of Bade Hanuman ji. Before this, he inaugurated the Bio CNG plant in Aral, Naini.