A case of looting Rs 1 crore 5 lakh by taking an elderly couple hostage has come to light in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, adjacent to Delhi. Masked miscreants attacked the house of Ramdas Gupta (78) and his wife Sumitra Gupta (75), took them hostage and looted them. On Friday, the police arrested servant Chandan (20) and his two associates Omprakash (20) and Sunil Kumar (28) in this case.
The miscreants kept looting the house for 45 minutes.
According to the news agency report, the police said that two masked criminals entered Ramdas Gupta’s house with knives. At that time the couple was watching TV at 9:30 pm. The miscreants threatened them and took them to the cupboard and kept searching through the valuables in the house for about 45 minutes.
Ramdas Gupta said in his complaint that the miscreants looted gold jewelery worth Rs 80 lakh and cash worth Rs 25 lakh. After the incident, the accused closed the main door from outside and fled.
The servant turned out to be the mastermind.
Ramdas told the police that during the robbery, a miscreant took the name of his servant Chandan and talked on the phone in front of him. Chandan had left home an hour before the incident. Ramdas suspected from the beginning that this entire plan was of Chandan. After the incident, the couple came out of the room and checked on their guard Vishnu, who was found tied in his room. He freed the guard and immediately informed the police.
On the basis of Ramdas’ complaint, the police considered Chandan and others as suspects and started investigation. On Friday, the police arrested Chandan and his two associates. Police have recovered Rs 10.5 lakh cash and jewelery worth Rs 50 lakh from the accused. Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Rajesh Kumar said that efforts are on to recover the remaining looted money.