A 22 year old youth died in a tragic accident in Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh. Actually, on Friday, Ram Mohan was driving a paddy harvesting machine with a tractor in front of his house in Naubasta village of Mahewaghat police station area. He had tied a towel around his neck to protect himself from the cold.
Head separated from body in accident
During the work, suddenly the towel got stuck in the machine, due to which Ram Mohan’s neck got pulled and went inside the machine. The neck was cut by the sharp blade of the machine and separated from the torso and he died on the spot. The scene of the accident was so horrific that the people nearby were stunned and there was chaos in the village.
As soon as information about the incident was received, Mahewaghat police station reached the spot. The body has been taken into custody and sent for post-mortem. After this accident, there is chaos in the family of the deceased and there is mourning in the village.
Police engaged in investigation of the case
Deceased Ram Mohan was the main support of his family. Due to his sudden death, his family members are in sad condition and crying. Regarding the incident, DSP Abhishek Singh said, ‘The matter is very unfortunate, the young man’s neck got cut due to the towel getting stuck in the machine, due to which he died on the spot. Police have sent the body for post-mortem after which further action will be taken.