Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) on Thursday said it has so far contacted more than 350 MPs cutting across party lines and urged them to support the Waqf (Amendment) Bill. Organization general secretary Bajrang Lal Bagra said in a statement that VHP workers also discussed with the MPs the issue of extending the ‘privileges’ given to minority communities under Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution to the Hindu community.
Demand to free temples from government control
He also urged the MPs to support VHP’s demand that all temples in the country be freed from government control. Bagra said, ‘Vishva Hindu Parishad, in its annual MP contact campaign conducted during the winter session of Parliament, has so far contacted more than 350 MPs and discussed three different topics related to Hindu society.’
He said that among the three issues discussed with the MPs was the VHP’s demand that all the temples under the control of the government should be handed over to the Hindu community. He said, ‘We urged the MPs to support the amendments proposed in the Waqf Act by the Government of India. The law should be rationalized through amendments.
Bagra said that during the meeting with the MPs, VHP workers also discussed the issue of extending the privileges given to minorities under Article 29 and Article 30 of the Constitution to the Hindu community.
He said, ‘Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution allow minority communities to run their own religious educational institutions. Similar facilities should be provided to Hindu society also. This is because Hindus have been deprived of such rights.
Bagra said that VHP had sought time to meet all the MPs cutting across party lines to discuss the three issues. He said, ‘We are happy that most of them accepted our request and had a very meaningful and useful discussion with them.’