Followed by the immense success of Prime Video series Jubilee and the Netflix film KhufiyaWamiqa Gabbi has definitely made a mark in the Indian film industry. Juggling between multiple projects across languages, the actress has gained immense name and fame in the past couple of years. Recently, an influencer seems to have taken a dig at the actress’ PR team when he shared a spoof video showcasing how the PR team of Wamiqa has been comparing her with other popular names in B-town including the likes of superstars like Deepika Padukone and Aishwarya Rai which did not go down well with Gabbi as the latter chose to hit back.
Wamiqa Gabbi shuts down influencer’s comment about her PR team and their strategies with a savage response
What the video was about
A popular influencer named Nadeesh Bhambi took to his Instagram page to share a spoof video showcasing how ‘Wamiqa Gabbi’s PR Team’ holds a strategy meeting to promote the actress. In the video he made several references to other female stars saying how the team decided to compare her with the current and senior actresses.
His statements included how the team is trying to hop on other actress’ fame while creating these strategies. Nadeesh starts off the video as a PR manager asking his team for ideas to catapult Wamiqa’s fame wherein the latter shares their thoughts like, “new national crush – Triptii Dimri who”, “If Aishwarya had a daughter, she would look like Wamiqa”, “Wamiqa can eat 100 Rashmika and 200 Disha for breakfast”, “What Deepika thinks she looks like” among others which is eventually approved by the manager.
Wamiqa Gabbi shares her savage reply to the video
While the video invited many comments from netizens with some even showcasing their support towards the actress, Wamiqa Gabbi too decided to respond. The latter commented on the video saying, “Talented aur Khoobsurat bhi(Talented and Beautiful too)? Uff, Thaaaank you. And everyone else’s pata nahi (don’t know about the others) but we did try ‘Wamiqa for next President!’ approve nahi hua (didn’t get approved)”, the actress added taking a jibe at the video.
The banter continues…
This kicked off a series of posts wherein Nadeesh went on to add, “Talented aur khoobsurat toh aap ho hi (You are talented and beautiful). Loved you in Jubilee. There is no voting for President in this country or else you would have definitely got my vote… Just ask your PR team to chill a little, why ruin the image of such a good actress)”. The conversation, eventually ended with the two sharing shayaris.
About Wamiqa Gabbi
The actress recently received immense love for her character in Varun Dhawan starrer baby johnApart from that, Wamiqa has a series of films in the pipeline which includes Do not open the door of your heart darling starring Siddhant Chaturvedi and Jaya Bachchan, G2 with Adivi Sesh, and Bhoot Bangla alongside Akshay Kumar and Tabu.
Also Read: Wamiqa Gabbi to play leading lady in Ranveer Singh – Basil Joseph’s superhero drama: Report
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