When Charles Darwin gave the theory of ‘Origin of Species’, his book created a stir – charles darwin origin of species evolution theory tstsd
Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species was published on 24 November 1859. In this book, Darwin expressed his views about evolution and natural selection. This book is a basic book of biology and is considered the foundation of evolutionary biology.
Darwin published ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection’. Despite this, Darwin, surrounded by doubts, finally published his new theory of evolution. It became one of the most important books ever written.
He described writing a book as being in hell.
Darwin described writing as ‘living in hell’. Because he was afraid of losing his reputation by this, as was his grandfather Erasmus. Charles faced sharp criticism from the church and some sections of the press. Many people were shaken by the central implications of this book. Because in this humans were described as descendants of monkeys. However, Darwin only hinted at it.
Darwin gave this argument
Darwin’s theory argued that organisms gradually evolved through a process he called ‘natural selection.’ In natural selection, organisms with genetic diversity adapted to their environment produce more descendants than organisms of the same species that do not have that variation.
The idea of biological evolution was not new. It was first suggested by Darwin’s grandfather Erasmus Darwin, a distinguished English scientist, and Lamarck, who drew the first evolutionary diagram in the early 19th century – the staircase leading from single-celled organisms to humans.
Darwin was born on 12 February
Born on 12 February 1809 into a free-thinking family, Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Young Charles was raised Christian, but his family life was open to new ideas.
By the time of Darwin’s death in 1882, his theory of evolution was generally accepted. In honor of his scientific work, he was buried in Westminster Abbey alongside kings, queens and other famous figures from British history.
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major events
24 November 1642 – Able Tasman discovered Tasmania (Australia).
24 November 1871 – The National Rifle Association (NRA) was founded in New York.
November 24, 1963 – US President John F. After Kennedy’s assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson took the oath of office as President.
24 November 1989 – The Communist government resigned in Czechoslovakia under the Velvet Revolution.