Ameesha Patel, who made her Bollywood debut alongside Hrithik Roshan in Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, recently shared her memories in an interview with Bollywood Hungamaof their close bond during the filming of the iconic film. The actress spoke about the camaraderie they shared as they both navigated their first steps in the industry together. “We used to rehearse our autographs,” Ameesha recalled with a smile, remembering the light-hearted moments they shared during their debut. Both were new to the limelight, and the pressure of becoming public figures led them to practice their signatures, a fun and supportive way of dealing with the demands of stardom.
Ameesha Patel opens up about her bond with Hrithik Roshan during Kaho naa pyaar hai shoot
Hrithik Roshan’s dedication and transformation
Ameesha also revealed how Hrithik showed immense dedication to his craft. “He showed me his before and after pictures. He worked so hard to make himself who he is today,” she said, emphasizing Hrithik’s commitment to physical transformation and his growth as an actor. The hard work and discipline Hrithik put into his career made a significant impact on her, serving as a source of inspiration.
From debuting together to supporting each other
Given that they were both debuting in the industry, Ameesha shared how they understood each other’s vulnerabilities. “We knew each other’s weaknesses as we were debuting together,” she said, acknowledging how their shared experiences created a strong sense of trust and support. The actress also reflected on their behind-the-scenes camaraderie, where they would help each other out. “We helped each other to select our costumes,” Ameesha said, noting how they collaborated to make the best choices for their roles, ensuring they looked their best on screen.
Strong bond during their early career
Ameesha also touched on Hrithik’s openness about his stammering, a personal challenge he shared with her. “He was very open about his stammering,” she shared, highlighting Hrithik’s honesty and vulnerability, which strengthened their bond during their early days in the industry.
Also Read: 25 years of Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai: Ameesha Patel recalls the craze and unforgettable fan moments
More Pages: Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai Box Office Collection
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