Lucknow Police has arrested a woman bouncer from Noida, accused of raping her and cheating her of Rs 10 lakh on the pretext of marriage. The accused has been identified as Amarnath Verma, who is a resident of Ayodhya.
According to the information received, the victim was married, after divorcing her husband, she met Amarnath Verma in a program. Gradually the closeness between the two increased. The female bouncer alleges that during this time Amarnath Verma raped her by giving her intoxicants. When she protested against this, Amarnath silenced her on the pretext of marriage.
Also read: UP: Accused of raping a 2 year old innocent girl in Bulandshahr arrested in a police encounter.
Amarnath cheated Rs 10 lakh from a woman on the pretext of marriage. When the victim realized that the accused was only cheating her, she lodged a complaint with the police. Police registered the case and started investigation and traced the location of the accused through surveillance. The accused was constantly trying to dodge the police by changing his mobile number, but eventually the police arrested him from Noida.
In this regard, DCP Central Zone Ravinath Tyagi said that the police took prompt action on the complaint of the female bouncer. The accused had fled from Lucknow and was hiding in Noida. A case of fraud and cheating is also registered against him in Azamgarh. The police are now interrogating the accused and investigating his involvement in other cases.
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